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Aminet Uploads - 05.01.2000

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Aminet Mirrorliste
AminetGUI von A. Kurtz

DBF.lha              biz/dbase  154K+Xbase manipulation package
Fiasco_pol_doc.lha   biz/dbase  262K+Polish guide for Fiasco v2.22
OnyxBase.lha         biz/dbase   73K+Great address book manager with lots of 
StarBase_SCR.lha     biz/dbase  108K+Star Trek Episodes Database (v1.4a)
VowaData.lha         biz/dbase   97K+Datafile (V1.41) for VorwahlenGuiV1.52
2b_diskarc.lha       biz/dopus    9K+A small disk unarchiving utility for DOp
amicheck1_86.lha     biz/misc   411K+V1.86 checkbook/account manager OS2.04 a
ultraacc.lha         biz/misc   380K+UltraAccounts 5.0, home accounts made ea
DCF77update.lha      biz/patch  579K+Update for DCF77 3.0-3.8 to 3.9
FWTabTools.lha       biz/swood   53K+Macros for FW-Tables
ConnectLine.lha      comm/bbs   1.7M+CL-Mailbox-System, Y2K-Fixes and more (F
BlackIrc_gr.lha      comm/irc     2K+Greek Catalogs for BlackIRC
Relay.lha            comm/mail   18K+Send mail using POP3 protocol
PhoneInfo_16.lha     comm/maxs   65K+Tells users how much their call costs, 1
UserbaseExplr.lha    comm/maxs   52K+Explore the BBS user database, 1.1
cim_v3.lha           comm/misc  1.1M+CIM - Caller Id Manager V3 r34 incl HTML
SnoopTAT.lha         comm/misc   25K+Internet Dial Cost V1.23 By 41 (Italian)
AmiComSys1.30a.lha   comm/net   315K+V1.30a Personal Communicator like ICQ (M
plnk.lha             comm/news   14K+Plonk script for Yam2NN 0.85 (version 0.
SimpleFTP.lha        comm/tcp   130K+SimpleFTP v1.85 - Easy to use FTP client
dcf2_10.lha          comm/ums    28K+Radio clock receiver
CompressHTML.lha     comm/www   128K+HTML (De)Compressor/Preprozessor (German
HTTPResume_Por.lha   comm/www    24K+Portuguese localization for HTTPResume v
HTTPResume_Swe.lha   comm/www     2K+Swedish localization for HTTPResume v1.8
HTTX.lha             comm/www    88K+V2.0b, HTML to formatted text converter
JohnnyTransfer.lha   comm/www   174K+Digitized Johnny Bravo Transferanim for 
MetalWEB4_pre3.lha   comm/www   869K+V4.0pre3 WYSIWYG Html Editor!
XClock13.lha         comm/xeno   11K+XClock V1.3 / Nice Clock-Door
XDoubleCh26.lha      comm/xeno  178K+Sysop split-screen chatter
XInfoNodes27.lha     comm/xeno   12K+Tells when a new user is logging in
XMultiCh38.lha       comm/xeno   83K+Multiline chatter with split-sreen
XOnliner26.lha       comm/xeno   30K+Shows the online user activity
865163186pe.lha      demo/aga   1.0M+"865163186pe" by PAS MAS (2nd at VEP'99)
HVR-Overt.lha        demo/aga   1.1M+Overt Enemy (AGA dentro) by HARVESTER
HVR-Sehnsucht.lha    demo/aga    63K+Sehnsucht (AGA intro) by HARVESTER
iq2k-ms.lha          demo/aga   1.7M+"mankind suckz" FINAL by iq2000 (1st at 
wpz-frozen25.lha     demo/aga   939K+Frozen#25 - The Party 9 Edition
xtm-revision4k.lha   demo/intro   5K+4k intro Revision by Extreme - 4th at TP
ADV-ITA.lha          dev/amos   235K+Italian adventures creator
modifile.lha         dev/amos    67K+File modifier written by AMOSPro
samplesm.lha         dev/amos    92K+Creates IFF and RAW samples (italian)
clockita.lha         dev/basic   24K+Italian digital clock + source code
PacketPointSrc.lha   dev/basic   28K+Source code for Packet-Point (BlitzBasic
crc32.lha            dev/c        2K+Implementation of CRC32
measureconpup.lha    dev/c       16K+Example for measuring PUP context-switch
amiga10.lha          dev/cross   72K+LUnix SDK (binary distribution)
2b_CreativE.lha      dev/e       98K+AmigaE compiler [binaries]
2b_CrtvE_src.lha     dev/e      169K+AmigaE compiler [sources]
powerd.lha           dev/e      243K+New programming language based on E
gdbm.lha             dev/misc   188K+GNU's set of database routines
ST_uk2gr.lha         dev/misc     5K+UK2GR phrasebook for use with SimpTrans
TransCat121.lha      dev/misc   128K+MUI Editor Catalog (.cd .ct)
PFS3ud.lha           disk/misc  115K+PFS3 undelete 
SmartInfo.lha        disk/misc   36K+SFSQuery and SFSdefragmentGUI replacemen
UnADF.lha            disk/misc   12K+Extract files out of DOS ADF files.
AmigaInfo.lha        docs/hyper 233K+ITALIAN ONLY Amiga Mags Gennaio 2000
AIOV31.lha           docs/mags  336K+Amiga Information Online, Issue 31 (Dece
gadget43.lha         docs/mags  405K+German Freeware Magazine
StarMag21.lha        docs/mags  485K+Ultimate German Diskmag, last issue :-(
3DWorldArc1199.lha   docs/misc  179K+Archive of the 3D World ML for 11/99
sharksaga.lha        game/actio 293K+Great Action-diving now AGA !
Dc_slk2.lha          game/data  247K+50 NEW & Old levels for Diamond Caves 1
simpsonvictims.lha   game/data   45K+Simpson victims for Revenge
Xtr_slk.lha          game/data  732K+17 Extra Tracks for Xtreme Racing
fu_smfc.lha          game/misc  774K+Football management game.
jst.lha              game/patch 192K+JOTD Startup for HD Installs & Degrader 
malicemod.lha        game/patch 273K+Malice (Quake TC) bot-mod & fpsbooster  
Reboot-StartV4.lha   game/patch  37K+Degrader & run any game from Workbench
MasterOfTheDee.lha   game/role   98K+Master Of The Deep -  COOL ! new RPG gam
Muscarine.lha        game/role  1.7M+...pretty weird graphic adventure. *FREE
awinquake.lha        game/shoot 559K+Amiga 68k and PPC ports of winquake
awinquake_src.lha    game/shoot 2.2M+Source code of awinquake 0.2, a68k/ppc
battalion.lha        game/shoot 1.3M+A giant monster game in OpenGL
QuakeTFtricks.lha    game/shoot 266K+QuakeTF demos showing some tricks.
stefadv.lha          game/text   23K+Little italian text adventure
stefadv2.lha         game/text   66K+2nd little italian text adventure
Cribbage.lha         game/think  75K+A card game versus the computer V1.0
MUI_FreeCell.lha     game/think 288K+Amiga MUI version of well-known solitair
Patience.lha         game/think 102K+19 games of patience V1.1
startrekprg.lha      game/think 2.0M+-Star Trek-, Fixes all known bugs
psycho.lha           gfx/3dobj  269K+Model of Hitchcock`s Psycho-House in Cin
psymat.lha           gfx/3dobj  399K+Materials and textures for archive "psyc
psytree.lha          gfx/3dobj  461K+Model of a tree for archive "psycho.lha"
R4_Excelsior.lha     gfx/3dobj  808K+U.S.S. Excelsior (Star Trek) for monzoom
LGFlatron795FT.lha   gfx/board    1K+Monitor preset for BVision + LG Flatron 
Mpg-anim.lha         gfx/conv   614K+Converts MPEG movies into ANIM files V1.
pic2icon.lha         gfx/conv     8K+Convert pictures to icons (OS 3.5)
PfPaint_Cnv.lha      gfx/edit     5K+30 Convolutions for PerfectPaint (24bits
GaussianBlurAE.lha   gfx/misc    39K+Gaussian Blur - PlugIn for ArtEffect2+
MakeSuffix.lha       gfx/misc    17K+Script who makes the Suffixs for Graphic
Prograb2ADP.lha      gfx/misc     4K+Prograb24RT Adpro loader
SvIV-1.lha           gfx/misc   318K+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 1/8
SvIV-2.lha           gfx/misc   218K+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 2/8
SvIV-3a.lha          gfx/misc   136K+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 3a/8
SvIV-3b.lha          gfx/misc   222K+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 3b/8
SvIV-4.lha           gfx/misc    43K+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 4/8
SvIV-5.lha           gfx/misc    60K+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 5/8
SvIV-6.lha           gfx/misc    62K+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 6/8 (opt
SvIV-7.lha           gfx/misc   116K+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 7/8 (opt
SvIV-8.lha           gfx/misc   221K+SViewIV V9.06 (1.1.2000) - Part 8/8 (opt
akMPEG2.lha          gfx/show   127K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V3.07 (68k/
akMPEG4.lha          gfx/show   133K+MPEG player for CyberGfx/AGA V4.01 (68k/
i2clib40.lha         hard/hack  120K+I2C-bus hard/software interface project.
mccontrol.lha        hard/hack  223K+V1.36 PSX MemoryCard Reader
ASpEmu.lha           misc/emu    38K+V070. ZX Spectrum 48K emulator.
BSNESFrench.lha      misc/emu     3K+French Catalogs for BlackSNESGui
DarcNES.lha          misc/emu   136K+NES/SMS/GG/PCE/SG1000/Coleco emulator v9
DarcNESGUI.lha       misc/emu    13K+GUI for the DarcNES emulator
Spectrum128.lha      misc/emu   100K+Spectrum 128K emulator V0.3 
imdbDiff991224.lha   misc/imdb  563K+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
Prime.lha            misc/math   12K+Calculation of primenumbers, V7.0
AmiSuperLotto.lha    misc/misc   49K+V0.93d-SuperEnalotto for Amiga!
ASuperLottoPPC.lha   misc/misc   57K+V0.93d-SuperEnalotto for Amiga!
Tottogol2.lha        misc/misc   69K+V2.6d-Italian prog for Totogol
Tottogol2PPC.lha     misc/misc   83K+V2.6d-Italian prog for Totogol
ay-colly7.lha        mods/chip   92K+Collection of the best AY musics for DT.
VartiMods.lha        mods/chip    7K+8 THX tunes by Varthall/BoyzOut
VK-GdI.lha           mods/jungl 146K+HipHop/D&B/Jungle...who knows that schon
ataruita.lha         mods/midi   33K+Urusei Yatsura GM italian song
rNO-L020.lha         mods/misc  1.2M+Rno-label release no.20 by roz.kure.tang
AmerikanskiT.mpg     mods/mpg   1.1M+210BPM-Gabber-MPEG audio by "Borschtsch"
rNO-L019.mpg         mods/mpg   7.1M+Rno-label release no.19 by zubspace (psy
NMS-ChMedley.lha     mods/pro    79K+Christmas Medley - By Nemesis/Zenon^Dyna
NMS-Y2K.lha          mods/pro   205K+Millenium Y2K - By Nemesis/Zenon^Dynamic
Med2Xm-GUI.lha       mus/misc   117K+GUI for Fileformatconverter Med2Xm
MP3I.lha             mus/misc    18K+Writes the Title, Author, etc into MP3s
MUImp3.lha           mus/misc    33K+OS 3.5,MUI Encode mp3 from cd or file
resample.lha         mus/misc    65K+Change sampling rate of digital audio
Amoralplay1.4.lha    mus/play   108K+-amorel- No fuss multiformat audio playe
EasyPlayer.lha       mus/play    87K+The alternative music player, v1.01
Equinox.jpg          pix/mark   533K+Happy new millennium!
SJI-AuroraPre4.lha   pix/nicon  753K+SadJesterIcons Aurora Set Prerelease 4.
SJI-IngridPre1.lha   pix/nicon  198K+SadJesterIcons Ingrid Set Prerelease 1.
psypic.jpg           pix/trace   23K+Picture of the Bates` house (Psycho) ren
LastSunset.lha       pix/views   99K+Two pictures of the last sunset of the p
drHWBGrab99.lha      pix/wb      56K+MY last WBGRAB for 1999 ;-)
SertyWB.lha          pix/wb     212K+My beautiful Wb 3.5 in 16bit running Wip
VeloxWb.lha          pix/wb     135K+My nice Wb with Blizzard Vision in 16bit
Change.lha           text/misc   38K+V2.36 change text/data in all files
OlivettiJP.lha       text/print  14K+Olivetti JP WB Driver  40.2
OlivettiJP790.lha    text/print  13K+Olivetti JP 790 (HPDJ560C) Driver for WB
prtman39.lha         text/print 159K+Printmanager for AmigaOS3 (39.30)
prtman39_gr.lha      text/print  20K+Greek Translations for Printmanager39
FileInfo.lha         util/app    15K+An AppWindow, for informations about fil
Cybermagic.lha       util/blank 1.3M+Blanker for Cybergraphix (0.5.1)
MatrixBL.lha         util/blank  26K+Matrix Screen Blanker
MTX.lha              util/blank  28K+Matrix Screen Blanker
FText.lha            util/boot    3K+Render text in fastram with FBlit
QuickBC.lha          util/boot    2K+Optimized BltClear() patch
RemAPollo.lha        util/boot   46K+A1200 040\060 MMU Apollo Turboboard Rema
ShowAmiga96.lha      util/boot  496K+Picasso96 bootpic viewer v2.3a
ShowAmiga96_Up.lha   util/boot  334K+Picasso96 bootpic viewer update 2.3a
AHelp15.lha          util/cdity  94K+The Ultimate HELP: Manager v1.5
RC6.lha              util/crypt   3K+RC6 RSA block En/DeCrypter
cli_dtc39_7.lha      util/dtype   6K+Cli.datatype - recompiled for working wi
PlayMidi.lha         util/dtype  11K+V1.0b Plays MIDI Files via GMPlay & cli.
WarpJPEGdt.lha       util/dtype  38K+JFIF-JPEG datatype (WarpOS/PPC) V44.3
WarpPNGdt.lha        util/dtype  44K+PNG image datatype (WarpOS/PPC only) V44
xpm-dt.lha           util/dtype  15K+A datatype for XPM graphics files
NewIconEmu.lha       util/libs    2K+Newicon.library replacement for os3.5
GH_Browser.lha       util/misc   14K+A simple Browser for the GuruHistory fro
HunkReader.lha       util/misc   14K+V1.6, Executable file examiner (w/src)
EqFiles.lha          util/rexx   26K+Find all duplicates in any set of files
AT.lha               util/time  102K+German database and reminder (freeware)
dcf.lzh              util/time   12K+DCF77 - time signal receiver; Y2k-Bug fi
serdate382.lha       util/time    8K+Display locale formatted date and time
simpleclock.lha      util/time   13K+A analog clock for OS 3.5
WBUhr.lha            util/time   10K+WBUhr V1.0 Clock for the WB-Titelbar
Safe.lha             util/virus  30K+Best new linkviruses detector v12.2
CondenseIcon.lha     util/wb      3K+Os3.5 tool to make .info files smaller
CopyIcon44.lha       util/wb      3K+CopyNewIcon clone for os3.5 (44.0)
Dynamite.lha         util/wb     37K+Start button, browser, fast icon/thumbna
Gurus2000_1701.lha   util/wb    802K+Shows infos about Gurus (German + Engl.)
Ico2Info.lha         util/wb      2K+Converts .ICO files to os3.5 color-icons
MUISearch12.lha      util/wb     25K+Mutli Files Finder with MUI interface
sgrab.lha            util/wb     47K+Screen grabber with GUI (1.13)
THE.lha              util/wb    102K+Prefseditor for Tools-Menu and Hotkeys

© 1997/2000 - - Am Kleff 31 - 40699 Erkrath - Tel. 02104/35040 - FAX: 02104/803047 - Verantwortlich: Petra Struck

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.01.2000 - 21.29 h
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